Wurst-Case Scenario is the new, highly energetic, rhythm & comedy tour de force by the Funky Currywurst Brothers, the two clownesque master drummers and multi-instrumentalists Peter Nielsen from Copenhagen & Johannes Bohun from Vienna who met back in 2001 in London at the audition for the English percussion show STOMP. After years of touring four continents with STOMP, it was time for something new: the Funky Currywurst Brothers. Since then, they have thrilled audiences at hundreds of concerts throughout Europe (and if hadn't been for lockdowns in Hongkong - also there!) with their mixture of virtuoso musicality, action-packed slapstick and dynamic audience participation.
In their new production "Wurst-Case Scenarion", Peter and Johannes draw once more on their decades of stage experience and make use of a rich arsenal of imaginatively orchestrated sound production, full of humor and surprises.
Seemingly a walk to work in the office - and we enter a parallel universe with the two Currywurst Brothers, in which they drum with briefcases, squeaky animals, ventilation pipes and much more, jazz it up with shoelace and pizza box, dance ballet with office chairs, bring the audience to the boil with body percussion, voice and loop machine - and last but not least perform the best-known melody from Peer Gynt with their famous bell-suits. Peter and Johannes start the show as if they were coming into their office in the morning - except that the briefcases become drums and a ballet choreography is created with the swivel chairs. The finale of this delicious prologue is the performance of the squeaky animal combo, for a disco interlude in a class of its own, which leaves the audience struggling to stay in their seats.
This is followed by an impressive demonstration of the phenomenal body percussion skills of Peter and Johannes, which leaves the audience in awe. This is followed by an interlude with log drums, wah wah tubes and cymbals that is as atmospheric as it is comical, after which the audience is given the opportunity to surprise and delight themselves with body percussion and singing about their own inherent musicality. During Shoe-Lace-Pizza-Jazz, the hall fills with mouth trumpets and by the end there is not a dry eye in the house. The now famous Cupsong by the Currywurst Brothers was reintroduced to the program and contrasts in a stimulating way with the ventilation tube disco hit and a multi-layered boomwhacker choreography in which Peter and Johannes once again pull out all the stops of their skills.
Finally, a surprise for young and old: a world premiere performed on bell suits in the Bergkönig's hall - if only Edvard Grieg could still see it!
Wurst-Case Scenario by the FUNKY CURRYWURST BROTHERS is a celebration of groove: always musical and funky, sometimes poetic and lyrical, always entertainingly virtuosic and essentially inspiring.
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